Domain Elite Founded Articles (BioWorld, FierceBiotech, Reuters, Xconomy)

March 13, 2012

Domain Associates' Elite enterprise made its first investment in a China-focused company March 2012. The venture capital firm will sink $6.5 million into SMART Medical Systems, an Israeli developer and manufacturer of cost-effective endoscopy and colonoscopy products. Visit SMART Medical Systems website.

The investment is part of a multiphase plan in which Domain Elite will allocate funds to advance SMART Medical's platform of gastrointestinal (GI) medical devices for cancer prevention and endoscopic surgery in Greater China. Colorectal cancer is the second most frequent cancer in China, and the Cancer Registry noted last year that the number of colorectal cancer diagnoses over the past decade in Hong Kong has doubled, the firm said in a statement. Domain hopes to address a growing healthcare need by investing in SMART Medical's GI devices.

"The mission of Domain Elite is to find the most effective medical technologies to fulfill important unmet medical needs and improve healthcare in China," founder Brian Halak said in a statement. "In so doing, Domain will create unique investment opportunities in the rapidly growing Chinese market. SMART Medical Systems has an innovative and well-validated technology that we believe accomplishes both goals." Link to Brian’s full Bio.

Read the full articles:

FierceBiotech: Domain opens up shop in China with plans to seed biotech startups, do deals

MedCity News: VC firm Domain + Elite Consulting = new opportunities for U.S. health technology in China

Reuters: Domain Elite Makes First Investment in SMART Medical Systems to Advance Medical Devices for Gastrointestinal Medicine for Greater China

Xconomy: New Domain Partnership Focuses on China’s Emerging Healthcare Market